Everyone experiences or encounters events on a daily basis, and at times we want to share them right away. Sometimes we are overcome with joy, and other times we are frustrated and just need to sound off. Then, there are times when we cannot find anything interesting about our day's events, yet I think if you look deep enough, you can find something to share, something to talk about
Pronunciation: \in-ˈkau̇n-tər, en-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): en·coun·tered; en·coun·ter·ing \-ˈkau̇n-t(ə-)riŋ\
Etymology: Middle English encountren, from Anglo-French encuntrer, from Medieval Latin incontrare, from Late Latin incontra toward, from Latin in- + contra against — more at counter
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 a : to meet as an adversary or enemy b : to engage in conflict with
2 : to come upon face-to-face
3 : to come upon or experience especially unexpectedly
intransitive verb
: to meet especially by chance
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : a meeting between hostile factions or persons : a sudden often violent clash
2 a : a chance meeting
3 : a coming into the vicinity of a celestial body
"encounter." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009.
Merriam-Webster Online. 30 August 2009
The definition provides proof that no encounter lacks significance. An encounter is anything from a chance meeting, to an argument, to a transaction of communication between two people, even an example of love and romance. Encounters can be revealing, enlightening, educational, sometimes disappointing.
As I write this, I imagine which recent encounter I want to start this blog off with. I have one in mind, although it is more of an accumulation of recent events. I will post it under the title "Minimoon," and if you feel you want to read my experience, continue on to the next post, and come back for more soon.
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Communicating and connecting is the purpose....